We believe that creating
safe work environments is key to maximizing productivity, which is why we focus
on training to reduce 'human factor error'. Our training programs, ranging from
basic to advanced levels, emphasize practical frameworks that select the best candidates,
encourage leadership, and foster growth opportunities. We incorporate new technology,
innovation, maritime education, and statutory training for officers and ratings.
The effectiveness of our programs is evaluated through appraisal reports and onboard
performance, allowing us to identify and address crew training needs. We also offer
customized onboard training and specialized programs that give us a competitive
CBT (Computer-Based Training)
CES (Crew Evaluation System)
Predictive Index Behavioural Assessment
STCW Training
Non-Statutory Training
Onboard Training
- Security & ISPS Training
- Vetting Preparation Training as per the new SIRE 2.0 regime
- PSC Training including CIC awareness
- Tank Cleaning Operations
- Sailing in Polar Regions
- Training on MLC 2006 Standards
- Type-Specific ECDIS Training
- Cyber Security Familiarization
- Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
- Helicopter Operations
- Ballast Water Management
- Energy Efficiency Management (EEOI and SEEMP)
- Environmental Compliance (MARPOL Annexes)
- LNG Bunkering Operations
- High Voltage Safety
- Enclosed Space Entry
- Advanced Fire Fighting Techniques
- Crew Resource Management (CRM)
- Mental Health and Wellness
- Incident Command Systems (ICS)
- Advanced Navigation Techniques
- Human Rights at Sea
- Rescue Boat Operations
- Cargo Handling and Stowage
- Piracy and Armed Robbery Awareness
- Noise and Vibration Control
- Remote Operations
- Digital Competency
- Biofouling Management