We believe that creating safe work environments is key to maximizing productivity, which is why we focus on training to reduce 'human factor error'. Our training programs, ranging from basic to advanced levels, emphasize practical frameworks that select the best candidates, encourage leadership, and foster growth opportunities. We incorporate new technology, innovation, maritime education, and statutory training for officers and ratings. The effectiveness of our programs is evaluated through appraisal reports and onboard performance, allowing us to identify and address crew training needs. We also offer customized onboard training and specialized programs that give us a competitive advantage.

CBT (Computer-Based Training)

We offer a comprehensive Computer-Based Training (CBT) program designed to enhance the knowledge and proficiency of our crew in a proactive and efficient manner. This training is available both ashore and onboard ships, allowing crew members ashore to access the programs from the comfort of their homes, at their own convenience.

CES (Crew Evaluation System)

Our online Crew Evaluation System employs both qualitative and quantitative measures to assess the progress of our seafarers, identifying areas that may require additional training. We also conduct rank-specific trade tests at our company-appointed workshops before employment to ensure the highest standards of competence.

Predictive Index Behavioural Assessment

We conduct PI (Predictive Index) and PLI (Personality and Leadership Index) evaluations to assess the behavioral drives (Dominance, Extraversion, Patience, and Formality) and cognitive abilities of all officers, ensuring the right fit for their roles.

STCW Training

Today, maritime transport regulations are internationally standardized, ensuring uniform mandatory requirements across the globe. We ensure that our crew members hold the necessary STCW training certifications, in line with the latest maritime regulations relevant to their roles onboard.

Non-Statutory Training

To meet our clients' needs, we design company-specific courses that offer specialized training, equipping the crew with practical, tangible skills. These techniques are applied effectively in their professional roles, enhancing their performance and expertise.

Onboard Training

Our onboard training is designed to provide sailors with hands-on practical experience, bridging the gap between ship and shore, while enhancing safety and performance. The comprehensive programs cover a wide range of essential skills, ensuring that crew members are well-prepared for the challenges and requirements of the maritime industry.
  • Security & ISPS Training
  • Vetting Preparation Training as per the new SIRE 2.0 regime
  • PSC Training including CIC awareness
  • Tank Cleaning Operations
  • Sailing in Polar Regions
  • Training on MLC 2006 Standards
  • Type-Specific ECDIS Training
  • Cyber Security Familiarization
  • Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
  • Helicopter Operations
  • Ballast Water Management
  • Energy Efficiency Management (EEOI and SEEMP)
  • Environmental Compliance (MARPOL Annexes)
  • LNG Bunkering Operations
  • High Voltage Safety
  • Enclosed Space Entry
  • Advanced Fire Fighting Techniques
  • Crew Resource Management (CRM)
  • Mental Health and Wellness
  • Incident Command Systems (ICS)
  • Advanced Navigation Techniques
  • Human Rights at Sea
  • Rescue Boat Operations
  • Cargo Handling and Stowage
  • Piracy and Armed Robbery Awareness
  • Noise and Vibration Control
  • Remote Operations
  • Digital Competency
  • Biofouling Management
These training programs ensure that our crew members possess the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the latest maritime challenges, maintaining the highest standards of safety, efficiency, and industry compliance.

Health and Safety Training Workshops

WaveCraft Marine organizes specialized training workshops to educate crew members on medical first aid, trauma life support, and basic life support. These workshops cover essential skills such as CPR techniques and the proper use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), all in compliance with the American Heart Association guidelines.

Company specific Seminars

We conduct regular courses, conferences, and seminars to keep our crew informed on the latest international regulations governing the maritime industry. These training programs are vital for ensuring our crew members stay up-to-date with the industry's evolving standards and practices. Our seminars aim to enhance crew performance by exploring the critical roles our team plays in high-stress, high-risk environments. These sessions include team training, simulation exercises, and interactive group discussions to foster a motivated, content, and productive workforce. Topics covered include safety protocols, emergency response, leadership skills, and technical updates on maritime equipment and procedures. We also invite industry experts and seasoned professionals to share valuable insights and experiences, broadening our crew's knowledge and perspectives. Additionally, our workshops focus on personal development, stress management, and effective communication, which are essential for maintaining a harmonious and efficient working environment on board. Through these comprehensive initiatives, we aim to improve individual performance, strengthen team cohesion, and boost overall operational efficiency. Our commitment to continuous education and development ensures our crew is always prepared to tackle the challenges of the maritime industry and provide exceptional service.